The Giving Season Offers a great opportunity for families to do good together

December 01, 2017

This season, consider gathering your family together to do something special to help others. After all, giving back is one of the best ways to spread holiday cheer. So many organizations can use volunteer help at this time. We’ve come up with some ideas to make an impact in your community.

  1. Local foodbank. Foodbanks are in extra need of items during the holidays. Consider going through your pantry to select items that you together can choose to donate. Or, volunteer to help sort and pack items at the foodbank.
  2. Decorate holiday cards for soldiers overseas. Gather around the dining room table to send the spirit of the holidays to those troops who are deployed this season. Check out Operation Gratitude’s website for details.
  3. Animal shelters. Let’s not forget about the animals who don’t have a home for the holidays. Most animal shelters need volunteers to help walk dogs or clean cages.
  4. Blanket drive for the homeless. Winter is a brutal time for those living outside. Your family can help organize an initiative to gather donated blankets from friends, family and neighbors to drop off. Spread it on social media.
  5. Visit a neighbor. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook that which is closest to us. Do you know of any neighbors that will be alone for the holidays? Schedule a special time for you to visit them or host them at your home with some cocoa and cookies.
  6. Enter the Libman “Season of Giving” Sweepstakes for a chance to win $500 for yourself and $500 for one of five charities selected by us. Click here for details and to enter:

Whatever you may choose to do, our family at Libman wishes a happy holiday season and best wishes for the coming New Year.