April 02, 2018

It’s not easy being green. No, we’re not talking about ecofriendly. It’s tough to put up with everything being green.

Spring truly is an explosive time of year. Flowers and trees are literally bursting into bloom, casting that powdery, yellow-green film of pollen onto nearly everything: your car, your clothes, your hair. It even gets tracked into your home via your shoes or floats in through open windows. So, spring is a bittersweet season. Buzzing bees and fragrant florals are eclipsed by vehement coughing, sneezing, and poor—ah-ah-ah-CHOO!—air quality. Although gray and gloomy, seasonal allergy sufferers find themselves grateful for the brief respite of a rainy day.

We’ve got good news for your itchy, runny nose. Our products are expertly engineered and effectively designed to banish dirt, dust, grit, grime, mud, muck, and especially pollen. Check out how you can mobilize your everyday cleaning arsenal to keep your home clean and allergen-free!


Problem: Pollen clings to clothes.

Solution: Pollen floats through the air like other dust particles and clings to clothes, in hair, and on pet fur. Use a lint roller to catch the sticky substance and gently lift it off clothing. Bonus: it will remove dust, pet hair, and other pesky specks.


Problem: Pollen gets trapped in carpets and tracked all over floors by people, especially kids and pets.

Solution: Presenting, the Eighth Wonder of the World: Wonder® Mop! The microfiber GRIPSTRIPS™ lift ip to 20 percent more dirt, so your floor can really shine. To reduce the trafficking of allergens into the home, ask family members and guests to remove shoes at the door. In the spring and fall months, when the pollen count is especially high, wipes paws at the door and wash pets more frequently.


Problem: Pollen settles in high, hard-to-reach spots.

Solution: When the weather is nice, we open the windows to let the fresh air in and air our home out. Unfortunately, open windows invite pollen inside your clean space. We’re all familiar with the balancing act of trying to reach ceiling corners and fan blades while teetering precariously on a barstool. No more safety hazards! Use a Flexible Microfiber Duster with a 7-foot (yes, you read that right) extension pole to reach those difficult spaces with your feet planted firmly on the ground. The best part? Once the duster is sufficiently dirty, simply throw it in the wash.


Problem: Pollen is caked all over windows—home and vehicle windows.

Solution: Rinse, then squeegee your transparent surfaces to wipe that green gunk from your windshield and windows and benefit from a streak-free shine. Now, you can see all obstacles in your way! No need to pay top dollar for a car wash.


Problem: Pollen coats your deck and outdoor walkways in a thin, translucent film.  

Solution: Brooms aren’t just for keeping your indoors clean! Consider an outdoor broom. Use the Precision Angle® Broom to sweep walkways, decks, driveways, and garages. By cleaning these highly-trafficked areas in your home, you and your family will track fewer allergens into your home.


Problem: Pollen is everywhere! Everything I touch is a gross yellow-green…

Solution: It’s essential to keep allergens and irritants away from your face, especially when cleaning. Don a pair of Premium Latex Gloves in your size and color of choice to protect your hands from dirt and chemicals. In addition, wearing gloves will ensure pollen and other substances don’t get trapped on your skin or under your nails and unintentionally carried to your eyes, nose, or mouth. Stop pesky pollen particles in their path of travel!


At the end of the day, you’ll love the sight of green again! Find Libman products close to home, so you can keep your home spotless, sparkling, and pollen-free.